Delta Basket Sport Service provides our athlete’s with first class representation and professional advice trough which they get the opportunity to build their careers and develop their ambitions. We always do our best to find the best place for our clients as well as the best contractual situation for both him and the Club he will play for. Our staff, specialized in athletes representation, works with integrity, loyalty and consistency while offering our athletes the highest standards of service. In every case we:
Dejan Lakicevic
While we cover the above areas we expect from our athletes to totally dedicate themselves to their careers, while having full confidence that they are in good hands.
Owned and operated by Dejan Lakicevic, a certified FIBA agent serving clients in the Europe and around the globe, Delta Basket Sport Service is a full service boutique agency. Dejan Lakicevic has represented the interests of athletes for the last ten years. Successfully he played professional basketball in the top teams all over the Europe. His experience as a professional athlete has provided him with valuable insight to provide cohesive and relevant techniques to market and promote various athletes to companies and the masses collectively. While at Delta Basket Sport Service, Dejan has continued to provide invaluable support to the marketing efforts for each player of the Delta Basket family. Developing marketing opportunities and thus client portfolios in various categories, Dejan has been an integral part of maximizing the off the court success of Delta Basket Sport Service clients. Dejan Lakicevic and staff have the skills, tools and experience to handle every aspect of a player’s basketball career.